Updates on Section conference in Freising
We are pleased to announce several news regarding the Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses section conference 'EXPLOITING GENETIC DIVERSITY OF FORAGES TO FULFIL THEIR ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ROLES'.
1, The conference will be completely online and will take place from September 6 to September 8.
2, Festulolium Working Group Workshop will take place September 7 (afternoon)
3, The abstract submission is already closed and the contributions are recently reviewed, however, the registration deadline is postponed till July 31.
4, The list of invited speakers and the titles of their talks has been released and is available at the conference webpage
We are looking forward to your registration and to see you (online) in September.
Stephan Hartmann (Head of Organization Committee) and David Kopecky (Chair of FCAG section)